mandag den 13. juli 2015


A big thanks to all participants and leaders for a great time on the schooner Fylla. You all contributed with high spirit. The weather was fantastic, and even though some of you brought the wrong clothes, you kept optimism. So awesome!

lørdag den 11. juli 2015


Skipper´s log: Left Lundeborg at 11 and arrived Svendborg at 13:00
Weather: Sunny with light wind
Food: Spaghetti bolognaise
Activity/ workshop: Cleaning the whole ship, climbing the mast, laying the net, evening: youth pass, one word for my friend,
Sleeping place: Multihuset, Svendborg

fredag den 10. juli 2015


Skipper´s log: Left Kerteminde at 11 00 and arrived in Lundeborg at 16 30.
Weather: Dry
Food: Grill with sausages, chicken and burgers made by Erling
Activity/ workshop: Morning shopping, communication workshop: objective contra personal, revealing secret friend, beach games, listening to life music,

torsdag den 9. juli 2015


Skipper´s log: Went from Aarhus at 10 00 towards Kerteminde where we arrived at 17 15. Muster at Storebælt bridge, the 22 km long bridge connecting Sealand and Fynen at 13 30.
Weather: Storm, some were seasick
Food: Fish with potatoes and vegetables
Activity/ workshop: Fire drill, Power with the dice, evening free time, showers, board games

onsdag den 8. juli 2015


Skipper´s log: 10 am sailing from Ebeltoft and arrived in Aarhus at 16 30.
Weather: Gale with waves on deck. Many were seasick.
Food: Turkey in curry
Activity/ workshop: No activities during sailing, sport games in harbour before dinner, night workshop: Join the train from Moscow to Portugal.

tirsdag den 7. juli 2015


Skipper´s log: At 12 30 pm we arrived in Ebeltoft and berthed beside Frigatten Jylland.
Weather: First cold day- clouded and windy.
Food: Roasted pork with roasted potatoes, vegetables and hollandaise sauce made by Erling
Activity/ workshop: Fire drill exercise during sailing, Workshop: What is democracy? Afternoon shopping, Onion game nr.2: personal questions about childhood, first youth exchange, future dreams….
Duties: Galley, cleaning below deck, cleaning upper deck, night shift had to call on call seaman course ship berthed alongside and a fishing boat stranded during the night.